
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holidays Day ???

During the Holidays, I can never keep tract of the days, it's pretty hard when I don't go to school. For the past 4 days, I have been in Tauranga, I still here for another 2 days then I will be heading home. I am in Tauranga because me and my sisters are on a little holiday with my Mum's twin sister and her family. It has been great being here but sometimes I get a bit bored.

Since I have been bored a lot, I decided to write a acrostic poem. Enjoy:

H appy because there is a lot of food, friends and family around

O ver tired from late nights spending time watching movies with whanau

L aughing, a lot of LAUGHING!!

I ce-cream nearly every night.

D arling Aunties, Uncles, Mums and Dads

A wesome water fights

Y es! There's presents

S uch Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Ana! Very creative thinking. See if you can come up with another fresh idea! Love Mum


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