
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cybersmart with Garfield

1) What part of Cybersmart is Garfield discussing? In the film, the Cybersmart Garfield is talking about is Smart Footprint.✔

2) What was Nermo excited about? Nermo was getting excited about the new edition of the comic book, Pet Force.✔

3) How did Nermo get in contact with ComicCat12? ComicCat12 got in contact with Nermo when he saw his email address on the Pet Force message board.✔

4) Explain why Nermo shouldn’t meet ComicCat12? Nermo shouldn’t go and meet ComisCat12 because he knows nothing about ComicCat12. He doesn’t even know if ComicCat12 is a boy or a girl.✔

5) Why is it important that Nermo is careful about the information he puts online? It is important that Nermo is careful about the information he puts online because people that he doesn’t know could find out all these things about him and he could be in danger.✔

6) What does YAPPY stand for?
You should never out these things online:
Y- Your full name✔
A- Address✔
P- Phone number✔
P- Passwords✔
Y- Your plans.✔

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ana, I liked how you gathered information about smart footprint.I loved how you said It is important that Nermo is careful about the information he puts online because people that he doesn’t know could find out all these things about him and he could be in danger. Next time you should put more information.


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