
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Lego Story

In 1932 in Billund, Swaziland, there lived a man named Oli. He was a carpenter and he had 4 sons and a wife. Sadly, his wife died but he wanted to carry on being a carpenter and provide food for his sons.

He started off making wooden toys that move. He became successful and people started buying things. Sadly one night, there was a very bad storm and the factory got caught on fire. Oli got some men to build a new factory.

Soon, Oli decided that the toys needed a name. He thought that it should be a short word. He found the word Leg Godt which meant play well. He decided to call the business Lego. Since he was alive in the early 1990’s, he didn’t have plastic pieces to start off with, they were wooden. Oli found a machine that breaks plastic.

Lego was a great success but once a man said to Godfrey that Lego toys had no system.
When Godfrey mentioned that to his father, he thought that it was a great idea so they started making small bricks that children could make things with.

Soon, Oli died and Godfrey was left to run the business, but he still kept on going even when the factory burnt down again. Godfrey kept on going and his ideas grew and grew and grew. He had his own airport in 3 years and after that, he got an idea that he was going to build an amusement park called Lego Land.

The Lego Company turned out to be a great success. Lego is still going and it is getting better everyday. We all hope that Oli is proud. The thing that I really like about the story was that Oli and Godfrey never gave up even when it seemed like it couldn’t get any worse.

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